What I Offer
Strategic Clarification
If you don’t know where you are going or map the direct route, you’re destined for a long trip. But when we establish a destination, map the path, and execute specific actions, rapid momentum ensues.
Making connections
Strategy is about endpoints, connecting where we are today with an ideal future state, effectively a top-down process. Our strategic clarification work together will consider the following:
- Vision. What does your ideal future look like?
- Purpose. Why are you here?
- Values. What principles will you stand for?
- Critical Objectives. What are those objectives that are critical to your strategic achievement?
- Critical Issues. What are the major areas that could present as obstacles to achieving your objectives?
- Progress Assessment. What milestones and metrics will you use to assess progress and who will keep you accountable to these?
- Competitive Advantage. What is your distinction that will drive your competitive advantage in the marketplace and by which you will be known?
- Products, Revenues, and Demographics. What do you provide and what could you provide? What revenues are ideal from these products and which demographics should you be focused on?
- Strategic Force. What is your enabler or leverage tool that will empower your forward progress toward your ideal future state?