What I Offer

Ruthless Productivity. Time management program - online

Fixed program dates or flexible start options for personnel within the same company

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Time, Task, and Stress Management

Get one day per week back by participating in my new Ruthless Productivity online program.

I have consulted with senior managers, project managers, estimators, supervisors, and business leaders in the construction industry and related trade services for well over a decade.

Given how tight margins are, businesses need to increase the productivity of their people. But often, this comes with longer days, working evenings and weekends, stress and overwhelm, bouncing from one fire to another, little or no work-life balance, and often feeling behind. The effect is frequently seen in lowered productivity, mental health conditions, with higher absenteeism and increased employee turnover.

In my coaching work, I reverse those effects. Leaders produce higher quality work in less time; stress and overwhelm dissipate and they become happier; work and out-of-work relationships improve; they gain clearer boundaries with a greater work-life balance. They also become more effective at delegation, planning, and coordinating their team's efforts.

Results Snapshot

  • Toby – Construction Manager: 48.9% improvement in time and people management after 11 weeks, as estimated by his boss.
  • Sarah – Estimator: 1.5 hours per day saved; greater work-life balance.
  • Lionel - Construction Manager: self-assessed estimate of 20 – 30% time saved each week.
  • Tom – Project Manager: greater ease with less overwhelm; increased delegation.
  • Robert – Project Manager: one day per week made available (as validated by his senior manager).
  • James – Project Manager: streamlined work days helping him to leave on time and not work in the evenings. Minimum 5 hours saved.
  • Tony – Supervisor: The next day is planned by the end of each day resulting in a more productive team, less anxiety, better sleep and a happier wife.
  • Ben - Business owner: 18.75% reduction in hours worked per week - (15 hours).

The Ruthless Productivity online program

Here are the objectives we'll work on:

  • Boost productivity and efficiency.
  • Manage time and tasks effectively.
  • Prioritize.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Delegate to develop those you manage.
  • Improve work-life balance.

Here's how you will benefit.

  • Get off the spinning wheel.
  • Work less reactively and get more done.
  • Improve the meeting of deadlines and setting of priorities for yourself, the organisation, and direct reports.
  • Learn to match your high and low-concentration tasks to your energy peaks and troughs.
  • The productivity of direct reports will improve.
  • Be more effective with diary and task planning.
  • Be better at managing stress and overwhelm, with a greater sense of ease and focus.
  • Control interruptions and distractions.
  • Have more time for personal pursuits.
  • Become more valuable to your employer.
  • Get up to one day per week back for higher-value work.

This includes:

  • 6 personally facilitated Zoom calls (60-90 minutes) every two weeks - 3 months in total.
  • Completion of my time management assessment with personalised feedback.
  • Individual calls before and after the course to establish personal goals and review successes and challenges.
  • Each session will have a component of homework review, accountability, and Q&A.
  • All sessions will be recorded if you can’t attend.
  • A complimentary copy of my latest book: How Efficiency Changes the Game.

Ray Hodge's Time Management course is a game-changer for professionals seeking to elevate their productivity. The course's practical approach to time, task, and self-management empowers individuals to harness their peak energy times, prioritize tasks effectively, and maintain a disciplined focus on their goals. Ray’s content delivery was in small bite-size sessions including practical activities to complete and bring to the following session. Participants reported significant improvements in their daily output and overall efficiency. This course is not just about managing time; it's about optimizing life's most valuable resource to achieve more with less stress. Anna Longford - Training Manager. Sarah Constructions Pty Ltd

Your investment

  • $2,500 +GST per person
  • If multiple people from the same company register, the first participant pays full price, while additional participants receive a 30% discount.


Option 1. Register to start as per the dates below.

Option 2. This program can also be facilitated for team members within the same company. Contact me to discuss further.

The minimum number of participants for both options will be two people with the maximum being ten.

Dates for 2025

  • Feb 19
  • Mar 5 & 19
  • Apr 2, 16, and 30


11 am AEDT

To pay by EFT:
BSB: 064-128; Account Number: 10380886; Account Name: Ignite Consulting Group Pty Ltd

  • After making payment, please email me to request an invoice, or let me know if you need one issued in advance.
  • Refund policy. No refunds apply unless for some reason I am unable to fulfil my obligation.
  • For any other information or questions, please email me at ray@rayhodge.com.au or call me on +61 403 341 105.

Want to make sure it's right for you or need more information? Get in touch for a free consultation via ray@rayhodge.com.au or call me direct on +61 403 341 105

Here’s what others have experienced:

Ray's coaching me in my organisational and time management skills has got me through these challenging COVID times...This has included more effective delegation, better task prioritisation, and being able to manage in a more controlled fashion. Darren Cross – Service Manager. Butterfields Services (Aust) Pty Ltd.

By putting simple ideas in place, we saved hours each week. The company was at a point of desperation but within 2 short weeks of having Ray on board, things changed dramatically. Senior Administrator - Construction

I have been working with Ray for 5 weeks now and my time management was hopeless when I started, I was working all over the place and right around the clock with no family life. Just in 5 short weeks, I have decreased my working hours from 80 hours per week to 65 hours per week. I have been able to learn how to plan my days and get more productivity out of my day along with being able to most importantly spend more time with my family. Ben Mamudov - Managing Director. Nationwide Appliance Repairs

And as a value sidenote…

  • If you pay an employee $150,000 per annum and they have a day made available per week (which is common in my work), that amounts to $30,000 per annum.
  • If that one day was used to run, as one project manager did, an additional project valued at 25MIL, the profit return could be around 1MIL.
  • And, if you have a good team member, and you make their work more enjoyable and productive through the decrease of overwhelm and stress, this helps keep them for the longer term, saving staff turnover costs with a broader positive impact on the workplace culture.

The payback can be significant.

Register now or get in touch for a free consultation at ray@rayhodge.com.au or call direct on +61 403 341 105.

Prefer a more intensive process? Check out my new in-house coaching program, The Efficiency Circle, or how I work with you as an Executive Coach.

Click for more testimonials.

Click for more results of my work.

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