When You Can't See the Ocean for the Trees

Posted on July 30, 2021

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Through this week's lockdown in South Australia, I walked on occasion, along the ocean esplanade. At numerous places, the ocean was obstructed from view, either by rising sand dunes or areas thick with wind-blown shrubs and trees.

It reminded me that when things get tough (and some of you here in Australia and internationally have been in much tougher lockdown/restrictive situations than where I reside), it’s easy to focus on the obstructions that block our view—Thickets of anxiety; dense trees of trouble; the wavering grasses and solid mounds of disillusionment. These obstacles, when concentrated on, minimise and sometimes totally eliminate our view of the ocean: whose broad open expanses inspire vision and hope, purpose and direction with enthusiasm.

As I made my way past these view obstructers I found that if I kept my head lifted I would more often glimpse the ocean—it hadn't gone anywhere, it was just the other side of what was blocking my view. I also found, that if I kept walking I would come into those unhindered spaces where I could see for miles.

As we traverse these ever-changing COVID waters, may we always remember that the ocean of hope is always there. It hasn't gone anywhere, it's just that sometimes, we can't see it as regularly and as fully as we'd like. If we keep lifting our eyes, seeking out those ocean glimpses while persisting on our journey, we will eventually come into those expansive places once again.

*Photo by Olga Lioncat

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