Today I Let Go
Posted on November 20, 2017

Today I Let Go
Today I let go of avoiding pain and discomfort with meaningless distractions and temporary satisfactions, and I welcome in leaning into the discomfort and I welcome in nurturing myself through the fear I feel. Today I let go of the need to fix peoples problems and the need to rescue others’ from their pain, and I welcome in vulnerability and curiosity, exploring deeper into my own fear that surfaces. Today I let go of this anxiety that sometimes sweeps in when I am enjoying stillness and rest. This fear that sometimes still tells me that I need to be continually working on myself like an unfinished project, editing all my flaws whilst preparing for my future, so that one day I am worthy of love and feel seen, heard and valued. I let this hustle for my worthiness go and I welcome in acceptance and forgiveness and choose grace over shame. Today I let go of the hype of productivity and the need to fill up my life with to do lists and I welcome in being okay with just being. I welcome in silence and stillness and I welcome in living at a much slower pace, to allow all my senses to drink in the beauty that surrounds me in each moment of being alive. I welcome in the knowledge that all is as it should be in this moment and that I will arrive at each destination of my life at the right time without any force. Today I let go of conforming to the culture so thick in bullshit that surrounds me, and I welcome in marching to the beat of my own drum. Today I let go of the need of having others approve of me and my life, and I welcome in trusting my own voice and giving myself the approval I seek from others. Today I let go of fear making my choices, and I welcome in courage and all my other values to fill this full-time position. I’m letting go of the old to allow space for the new. I’m clearing out rooms in the home of my life and with this newly found space. I welcome all those things that match the woman I am today and nourish my mind, body and soul. Today I welcome in living a different way to what I have known, a way that resonates with the truth of my soul and a way that feels damn good!View latest blog articles