The Magic of Showing Up
Posted on January 28, 2021

Recently, I set a goal to regain fitness. This goal was definitely in the, there’s always tomorrow basket for me, so I engaged a personal trainer and registered at a local gym. Some days I look forward to training but mostly, I would prefer to sit, have another coffee, and read a book.
For me, I’ve discovered a different kind of magic to help me persist. It's called the magic of "showing up." I tell myself that I will just show up, do 10 minutes on the treadmill, and then if I want to, I can go home. This approach generally leads to me staying for an hour's workout, sometimes more.
Instead of waiting for the fickly winds of motivation, I recommend showing up. By showing up and agreeing to commit to one small thing in service of your goal, you will most likely find that the magic of motivation will arrive and empower you toward achievement.
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