Perfect Stagnation

Posted on March 26, 2015

Attending my second ever Salsa dance lesson last night I got caught up in wanting to perfect the dance. Instead of taking the basics and getting straight out on the floor to practise, I was unsure, slightly afraid and ....stagnate on the sidelines. My dance instructor last year repeatedly told me "you think too much." I was caught in the perfection trap. So, last night after a bit of deliberation I made the decision to get out there, make lots of mistakes (which I did) but slowly started to get the steps and .... I had fun.

Someone said "80% out the door is better than 100% in the draw." My mentor from the US Alan Weiss often says "It's about success not perfection."

What I have found in business as well as in other pursuits is that practice does indeed make perfect. If you say "I am hopeless at marketing" then guess what, you will be. But if on the other hand you know you can at least talk to people then start by opening your mouth, communicate how great your team is, your products and services are, your work quality and so forth. Then, perfect along the way.

Starting with what you've got, which might be as simple as a few sentences in the marketing example above, or in my case a few basic steps - is enough to get anyone going. Take what you know out onto the floor and practice. That way you won't be standing at the bar stagnating in your quest for perfection whilst watching everyone else have fun and succeeding.

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