No Great Loss

Posted on September 30, 2021

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The owner of a business I frequent as a customer, was lamenting the resignation of one of their key staff. "No great loss," was my response. He looked perplexed. I went on to say that the person who had resigned was unfriendly and, occupying a customer-facing role, the business would benefit from their resignation. "You may lose their skills temporarily but you will gain more customers with their absence."

When you observe people who aren't quite suited to their role, get in front of the situation and seek to manoeuvre them into a more suitable position. And if you can't get the perfect placement, seek to train and coach them to close the gap from where they are to what is required. Like a girl I once employed: she was great at administration but lacked phone warmth. I placed a mirror in front of her as a reminder that people hear a smile. I couldn't change her position but I could help change her behaviour.

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