Interest Buttons

Posted on January 27, 2016

Talking to a woman at the Australia Day celebrations yesterday, we landed on the topic of personal change and psychology. It was a stimulating conversation. Soon after the subject of dancing came up. I once again engaged in lively discussion and subsequently had a request from a woman at the table to teach her Rumba which happened on the spot with more dancing to come afterwards. It was fun and energetic - an enriching day.

The point here is the importance of self observation. Heightened response to an interest button being pushed is an indicator of an area that needs to be explored further. These interest buttons contain varying degrees of passion behind them. They often assist in identifying our current happiness or how to increase it; hobby development possibilities; life purpose clarity; furthering our studies or vocational confirmation and/or shifts required.

Find the interest buttons and just keep pushing them. You never know who you might end up dancing with.

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