If You Say It, Do It

Posted on May 11, 2014

Last month I spent an overnighter in a local private hospital after having some leg surgery. The hospital boasted the following tagline: 'first class treatment, world class results' Reading this upon admittance I mistakenly thought they meant it. Here are a few second class experiences:
  • no one cleaned up the wrappers, papers, rubbish in my room for the duration of my stay
  • requesting something sweet with my (instant) coffee I received pre-packaged one star motel biscuits in a plastic wrapper
  • asking for an additional pillow the nurse was clearly frustrated with the request and told us how busy she was
  • A ten minute wait after my shower for the nursing staff to attend after buzzing them numerous times (the buzzer not having been placed adequately within reach nor working properly)
  • And the worst....being left on my own to shower (after the op) with no one checking on me
In my thinking this doesn't reflect their tagline. One might think I am a fussy customer but given the nature of their 'first class' promise (for that is what the customer takes it as) and the fact that one feels quite useless and vulnerable with the after affects of anaesthetic I think my grievance is justified. Companies and organisations spend millions of dollars on re-brands with pretty logos and clever taglines. All are absolutely useless if at ground level, service is hit and miss and they don't do what they say they will do. If you make promises - deliver on them If you give deadlines - keep them (or communicate changes) If you're running late - call them If you use a tagline - live it If you say it, do it. Its that simple

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