Fresh or Stagnate
Posted on November 07, 2016
Over the years I have enjoyed drinking from crystal clear flowing mountain streams avoiding the stagnate murky waters in favour of the fresh.
Keeping ourselves fresh is essential if we want to be life givers and by that I mean, those who others enjoy being around and whose lives are refreshed for simply being in our presence.
Having a positive mental outlook, physically at ease and rested, emotionally aware and connected, growing and learning - are some of the components for freshness. And whether our work colleagues, our families, our relationships... others will benefit from drinking from the fresh stream of who we are.
Whenever I have been challenged in any area of life or need to get perspective I reach out to those who represent a fresh stream. Those I can sit with are those who:
- Believe in me
- Impart wisdom and positivity
- Embrace me as I am - not judging me for what I was yesterday but accept me for who I am today and express hope in my future
- Are questioners and listeners not tellers
- Are insightful
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