Increasing Employee Engagement and Productivity

Posted on November 01, 2015

Most companies and organisations desire increased employee engagement and productivity yet, given the busyness and full schedules of management employees often feel left in the dark and uncared for. They are unsure whether their contribution is valued. Team meetings are helpful and necessary but here is another activity that is largely neglected - that being the taking interest in, and thanking employees at an individual level.

A business owner I was coaching, frequently told me how highly they valued their senior office administrator. She (the administrator) asked me one day, "am I doing a good job as I don't get any feedback?" That is one of the many employees that have asked me the same question over the years. While the owner valued the person and their contribution highly, they had neglected to communicate it personally.

It doesn't take much. To stop briefly. Look at someone and say "thank you for what you do here. It really does makes a difference."

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