Driving Forward While Looking Behind

Posted on November 09, 2015

Attempting to move into the right hand lane I had to squeeze in between two moving vehicles. I was heading forward while looking back - being more concerned with being hit in the backside than running into the car in front. Fortunately I realised my mistake before any collision occurred but it illustrated for me how often, in our attempt to navigate our way forward, we are more concerned about what is behind. When we get caught up in the mistakes and failures of the past it can hinder us from truly moving forward. We opt for perfection instead of success; safety instead of risk; locking in rather than looking up. Gazing back has one benefit. To learn what we did well and what we could have done better. Using this historical resource assists us in our forward journey, providing us with the wisdom to build upon our strengths, make better choices thus navigating the road ahead more effectively. The continual looking back while trying to move forward both slows down forward momentum and clouds judgement. Better to drive looking into the future than living in the fear of being run up from behind.

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