
Posted on August 09, 2015

Watching my daughter play volleyball yesterday I was impressed by the teams ability to control the ball. Whether it was a fast incoming serve, an error made that they had to correct or simply the state of play, they were always seeking to bring the ball under control. The benefit... when they slowed the ball down, they were better able to position for the final hit (or spike as referred to in volleyball terms).

In business and indeed in life, we all encounter various forms of chaos and incomings - whether self made or from external sources. The challenge is to slow the state of play. Step back, gain control and then...spike.

The other interesting observation I made was that when they didn't land that killer shot or when an error was made from one of the team, they encouraged the team member and then immediately refocused on the next play.

It wasn't the errors and chaos that mattered, it was control. They went on to win the set.

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