Bright Lights and The Dimmer Switch
Posted on January 16, 2019
There are people in our organisations who display brightness. They exhibit energy, life, thoughtfulness and productivity. Introvert or extrovert we could describe them as being a joy to be around.
Then there are those that upon entry to the workplace seem to lower the bright vibe throughout the day. Often without knowing it, they control the cultural dimmer switch, always turning it anti-clockwise.
As leaders, we have this responsibility of culture brightness. I've come across those who fear to address the dimmer controllers, and often, over time, the bright lights that once were, lose their brilliance with the brightest of them being snuffed out completely, in that they leave the organisation.
Within our hands, we have ultimate control of the workplace lighting mood and it's our influence, conversations had, actions and overall leadership that assist in both creating and maintaining that brightness.
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