A Lesson From The Birds

Posted on November 02, 2017

I spotted a bird from my back deck this morning with a twig in its mouth. It's that time of year when they are busy nest building. It is an intrinsic part of their annual cycle. As humans, our lives are made up of different seasons and just as the birds know when the seasons are changing, we have the innate ability to do likewise. Sometimes, the seasons are those of growth, learning, innovation and fruitfulness; other times it can be those of nesting, deep disappointment, contemplation, solitude or rest. Organisations and businesses also go through various seasons. If we are always in the growing season we have the potential to grow too quick, burn our people out and drop off quality and customer satisfaction. The converse is applicable. If we are always in maintenance mode, not looking outward with a perfect internal order, an entropic state can ensue. Take a lesson from the birds. They don't strive, they don't avoid these shifts through overt busyness and avoidance strategies nor do they use Outlook to know when to nest build - but in this season they KNOW what to do and follow through accordingly. Listening to ourselves and the heartbeat of our organisations; understanding that seasons change and exercising the courage to embrace these changes are critical to journeying through these times wisely and holistically.

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