A Brave Transition

Posted on November 20, 2017


The following is a journal entry* from one of my clients, who is in transition from working 80 hours a week to a 24 hour week - as we move her business from being largely reliant on her to being systems and (other) people reliant. It provides a brave and honest insight into the transitional discomfort that many of us feel when we are in these situations.

"Today I found myself in a really odd situation and mood. I took the day to take Rocky (child) to a doctors appointment on the Gold Coast - no contact with work at all? Really - nothing? One phone call at 10.40am which was Zach (employee) asking me if I wanted lunch. He didn't even know I was away for the day. Not sure how to process this. My mind is going a million miles - lots of questions all broken down to one thing - AM I NEEDED?.

I had great self-control not to call today. Call anyone at work to see where it was up to. I was busy with kids but in the moments I had to think, it was all regarding work. This thought was making me angry and I had no one to express it too. Who would understand? Bad as it is, I am hoping when I go to work tomorrow there are issues for me to deal with.

This whole situation is making me feel out of control. I am now starting to look for things I can control or things that I will take back to control. Just say I don't find something and I let it run its course. What will I do? I need something. My brain is too busy to relax."

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